3 Reasons To Feed Your Dog Sardines
When you’re thinking of what to feed your dog, do sardines come to mind?
You might be thinking of feeding them beef, chicken, or even kibble! While sardines might not be top of mind with regard to your dog’s diet, they are safe for your dog to consume and do wonders for your furry friend’s health!
We’ve rounded up 3 (of many) reasons you should incorporate these nutritious oily fish into your furkid’s diet. Check out the benefits of feeding your dog sardines!
Provides Omega-3 fatty acids
Sardines are rich in Omega-3s, which help reduce skin inflammation, restore softness to their coat, lessen joint pain, lower the risk of eye disease, and protect their ocular health.
Maintains strong bones and mobility
As dogs get older, they become prone to hip and joint issues which limit their movement and mobility. Sardines also contain vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, all of which support bone health and joint development
Protects cardiovascular health
Coenzyme Q10, an essential nutrient found in sardines, promotes healthy blood circulation and aids in their heart function. This powerhouse antioxidant also heightens your dog’s liver, gut, and brain health.
If you’re just getting started on giving your dog sardines, we recommend starting in small doses. Observe your dog’s condition and gradually add in more over time.
Since sardines are dense in calories and nutrients, be wary of how much you’re feeding your dog. A small sardine contains 25 calories, so remember that a little goes a long way.
Sardines are a great way to enrich your dog’s diet. They provide essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids (that they otherwise couldn’t produce on their own), protein, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. Sardines also keep their heart, bones, eyes, gut, liver, and brain in great shape.